Shocking Illusions That Look Real (Anamorphic)

anamorphic ninja turtles

When I started this video I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking for or if anything was happening. I just kept looking for something that was odd or out of place. Right off the bat it did a close up on a rubik’s cube and I still was confused thinking, “That’s great you have a decent camera that’s showing the stickers on the cube are scuffed up on some of the edges”…

Then my mind was blown.

Amazing and so impressive, you need to see this to understand what I’m talking about!

Watch the video below:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

The Difference Between – Part 3


2018-08-20 Dott. Pietro Carta posted:

Lately there are numerous reports concerning the presence of weeds that cause annoying bites and consequent severe itching. The extent of these weeds is never well defined, and very often we end up confusing ourselves between two very different insects: bed bugs and mites. In any case if you are looking to prevent or take measures against an already happening infestation check these fuze bug reviews.

The difference between bed bugs and mites

Both weeds cause very similar bites, followed by sometimes itchy rashes.

This is the only common aspect between these two weeds. Regarding the characteristics, the biological cycle, the habitat and above all the methods of struggle present many differences.

Below we publish a small summary table with the main features that can help you to distinguish Mites and Bed Bugs so that we in the sector can plan the most appropriate disinfestation intervention.

The difference between bed bugs and mites

The Gallura Disinfestazioni thanks to its team of specialized technicians intervenes promptly to eradicate bed bugs and mites in private homes, hospitals, schools, accommodation facilities, hotels and B & Bs in the whole of North Sardinia including the areas of Palau, Santa Teresa, Porto Cervo and all the Costa Smeralda

Meteorite Hits Russia – Shatters Windows And Causes Bright Flash

There is an asteroid that’s going to be passing by Earth today and it just so happens a random meteor plummeted to Russia.


Apparently windows got blown out from this! Good thing there aren’t any recorded fatalities but still more than 500 are injured. Local residents and astronomers were taken by surprise because they didn’t expect this piece of rock to hit.

For the last 10 years there has been many programs dedicated to finding the objects whose trajectory lines up with our planet, but sometimes some whiz right by surprising everyone. There are lots of space agencies working to track meteors, comets and asteroids classified as Near-Earth Objects. NASA’s NEO program hopes to spot at least 90% of the estimated 1000 asteroids and comets larger than 1 kilometre on track to approach Earth.

The problem is that even if that upper 90% is spotted there are 10% that will fly by undetected. Here’s to hoping they don’t miss another one that breaches our atmosphere.

The asteroid that is expected to streak by Earth is known as Asteroid 2012 DA14 and has been followed for months now.

It is reported to be a complete coincidence that this asteroid is to pass by today and a rogue meteor flew by on the same day. “This is rare. There hasn’t been one like this in a long time,” says Randy Attwood, the senior editor of

Luckily even though meteor material rains down on our planet daily most of it is dust and happens in uninhabited areas.

“I suspect this one was the size of an SUV,” Attwood said. “It’s not huge, but as it hit the atmosphere going tens of kilometres a second, it created an enormous shock wave.” The meteor would have been travelling much faster than the speed of sound, Attwood says, so it created a sonic boom that caused windows to shatter.

It just happens to be that the last major meteor to hit a populated area was also in Russia in 1908. This meteor was called the “Tunguska event” and leveled trees across a 100 kilometre range without harming anyone. It was about 30-40 metres wideand considered to be the largest impact event in recorded history on Earth.

Astronomers will be analyzing  the composition of today’s meteor to learn more about it’s origins among other scientific research.

Check out the video:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

If Guys and Girls Switched Roles on Valentines – Hilarious!


Happy Valentines Day to those of you celebrating it with your significant other! For the rest of you, just watch this and giggle at the role reversal.

By the way, did you know that the origin of Valentines Day is from Saint Valentine who was imprisoned for performing weddings on soldiers forbidden of marriage? He was then executed on or around the 14th of February!

Check it out:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.