Top 5 Movies Of 2012 That I’d Actually Re-watch


The Avengers

Come on, you get all of these heroes together in one movie?! Yes please. Each an every character was interesting and obviously can do well in their own movies so it’s an absolute score to have them jam packed into one. Probably the best overall pleaser considering it can reach almost all audiences and spark intrigue by everyone. All around entertaining, clever and funny movie. Recommended for PG audiences.

Cabin In The Woods

Personally I absolutely loved this move and wished I could watch a sequel immediately after the credits started rolling. The idea that the whole movie could have had a different type of threat from fables is genius and interesting. It almost reminds of some of the old unique Goosebumps books where you could make a decision and you’d have a different outcome depending on which object was picked in the cellar. Overall grade A movie that shakes up the “Teens go into cabin in the woods and get killed” genre. Recommended for mature audiences.


I was so confused and creeped out when I started watching this movie not knowing anything about it beforehand. The main character I SWORE looked just like Joseph Gordon-Levitt only different. I couldn’t get over it because I figured it must be a different guy or possibly a relative. Basically that thought kept with me the entire movie and finally I realized it was in fact Joseph. Seriously? I feel a bit silly now thinking it wasn’t him but I didn’t realize that film could seamlessly change his appearance in the manner it did. Phenomenal. All the visual hype aside it was also a unique and amusing film that was very well done. Recommended for mature audiences.

The Amazing Spider-man

Not exactly what I expected from the etched in stone story of Spiderman but in a good way. When I first heard they were rebooting the series I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, “Here we go again”. Don’t get me wrong the main structure is still intact, it’s just that there was no Mary-Jane. Everyone loves an underdog story and you feel for Peter Parker along his ride. Recommended for PG audiences.

Men In Black 3

First off the guy who they get to play K (Tommy Lee Jones) in his younger years (Josh Brolin) totally looks like he would. Hands down a great casting job. It’s the usual wacky MiB movie with the quirky one liners and expected visual effects. The ending I found to be particularly good. Recommended for PG audiences.

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New Iron Man Movie – Marvel Superhero

Iron Man 3

This is bound to be an excellent movie! I used to read Iron Man comic books and was jacked later on in life when the first movie came out. Perfectly executed plus Robert Downey Jr. is an awesome actor. Can’t wait to see how good this one plays out.

ironman3-photo6 (1)

Check out the trailer:

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Borderlands 2 Raised DLC Level Cap = Motivation Factor

Everyone loves Borderlands 1 & 2. They are both amazing games. It’s awesome when you play with friends because you can communicate and save each others lives. The best is getting new guns and equipment all the time and leveling up your skills. If you are enjoying borderlands 2 then you should play the online machine games, Learn more here. I loved having to do quests because I wanted to level up and thus put a new skill point down to make my character better. This game is perfectly designed even for laptops which are mere 13in gaming ultrabook as the gaming attribute of the laptop runs the game seamlessly.


The problem is with motivation and the level cap not increasing with EACH DLC.

Once I hit max level on the base version of the game, quests seemed useless and there didn’t feel like a reason to continue playing even if there was more story to be told.

Another issue is that basically every single chest you open is guaranteed to have crappy loot. I feel like I received some decent gear fairly quickly but open countless chests and drops and nothing is useful. To a degree that’s fine because that’s what the loot from invincibles is for but I mean what’s the point in even having chests later in the game when all of the loot sucks anyway.

Something in the game that seems useless later on, at least until you get to the point where you can do invincible bosses regularly anyway is eridium. You’ll get all the upgrades to your ammo/bag/vault capacity and then eridium is useless and caps out at 99. It doesn’t turn into cash, nothing special happens.

It starts off so good and plays with diminishing returns later on. Keep me motivated to play! Badass rank increases aren’t good enough on their own.


A few things I think would increase the attraction of Borderlands would be:

  • Raise the level cap with each DLC.
  • Make chests more likely to drop better loot when you’re max level for that particular DLC or a different mechanic that makes decent loot come out of them.
  • Give cash or something instead of eridium once you’re maxed out.

True story.

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Airplanes by B.o.B Full Band Cover – FOR JULY

Maybe a bit old but here’s a cover of the song Airplanes I did a while back. Should I do more covers?

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