New Pirate Bay Documentary! (TPB AFK)

The Pirate Bay – Away From Keyboard

Companies and governments alike have been trying to extinguish internet pirate’s for as long as they’ve been around. Simon Klose, a Swedish music/documentary filmmaker WANTS you to pirate his flick!

The Pirate Bay Logo

If you don’t know what The Pirate Bay (TPB) is or at least heard of it, then you’ve been seriously deprived of a world of almost limitless media. People for years have used TPB to download all of their movies, albums, TV shows and software. It’s not that they actually have all the files on their servers but that they are essentials a giant database that links to the files. It’s also the most popular and respected torrent website.

The documentary covers the tales of Pirate Bay administrators Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neji and Peter Sunde as they deal with their Sweden court case in 2009 regarding civil and criminal copyright laws. After conviction they are led to live life “away from keyboard”. The film can be bought or seen for free on YouTube/Pirate Bay torrent.

“The cool thing is that you guys are going to be part of the premiere.… We’re streaming the film online, for free. You can download it, you can share it, you can remix it… It’s all up to you,” said Klose. “I’m doing this because I believe – from a personal perspective – I want my films to be seen by as many people as possible, so my problem is that a normal copyright would become an obstacle between me and my audience.”

Watch it here:

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New Star Wars Movie – J.J. Abrams Directing

It was a scary day for most Star Wars fans when it was announced that the franchise was being sold to Disney. I thought it was a joke to be honest. That’s the last company I pictured taking it and I certainly hope it doesn’t turn into more of a kids series than what we’ve become accustomed to. Disney acquired Lucasfilm for $4 billion in cash and stock. It will be making the 7th Star Wars movie due for a 2015 release.


Reports say the helm of the new film is to be J.J. Abrams (Lost, Super 8, Star Trek [The Movie]). Initially Abrams himself thought he would be seeing the new film “as a paying moviegoer!” but apparently those tables have turned. He’ll be finishing up his latest movie Star Trek Into Darkness as a director on May 17th.

Last October in a press release announcing the acquisition of Lucasfilm said, “For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next. It’s now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers.”


It will be extremely interesting to see what the outcome of the new film and most likely series will entail. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t bomb and new life is breathed into the franchise many of us grew up adoring. All eyes on you Abrams and Disney!

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Mama Movie Trailer 2013

This movie looks like it has the potential to be pretty freaky! Most horror movies don’t really phase me but if they have extremely creepy but subtle keys it can be very effective.

Check out the trailer:

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