New Star Wars Movie – J.J. Abrams Directing

It was a scary day for most Star Wars fans when it was announced that the franchise was being sold to Disney. I thought it was a joke to be honest. That’s the last company I pictured taking it and I certainly hope it doesn’t turn into more of a kids series than what we’ve become accustomed to. Disney acquired Lucasfilm for $4 billion in cash and stock. It will be making the 7th Star Wars movie due for a 2015 release.


Reports say the helm of the new film is to be J.J. Abrams (Lost, Super 8, Star Trek [The Movie]). Initially Abrams himself thought he would be seeing the new film “as a paying moviegoer!” but apparently those tables have turned. He’ll be finishing up his latest movie Star Trek Into Darkness as a director on May 17th.

Last October in a press release announcing the acquisition of Lucasfilm said, “For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next. It’s now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers.”


It will be extremely interesting to see what the outcome of the new film and most likely series will entail. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t bomb and new life is breathed into the franchise many of us grew up adoring. All eyes on you Abrams and Disney!

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Pros and Cons Of Living With Your Other Half – Part 1


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Being Sick Is No Fun – Should I Get The Annual Flu Shot?

It came like a thief in the night with one warning day.

Woman with tissue and hot drink

I actually just had a conversation with someone in the medical field if I should go get my flu shot since it seemed like a lot of people are getting sick around me. She simply replied with great enthusiasm, “No! Just take vitamin C everyday and you’ll never get sick”. Although the facility infection preventionist may be thought of as the person who always points out what is wrong, Infection Control is a complex field that touches on every aspect of patient care. Now that may have been true and I knew I should have vitamin c everyday anyway, but alas I skipped out for a while thinking I’m invincible even without a flu shot, and honestly, vitamin C is not the only vitamin we need, we should all learn the Health Benefits of Vitamin B as well.

Well lucky me, I go to bed one night and wake up feeling the standard scratch in my throat before the big storm hits. Just great… I saw this coming but still didn’t do anything to prevent it. I mean I will try to only buy and drink juices that have 100% of the daily recommended vitamin c, but I don’t always drink them daily anyway. Here’s a little tip: If you want to keep from getting sick you really should have vitamin c spaced out during the day.  You can take a massive amount of it in one sitting, but the reality is that your body will take what it needs at that specific time and then waste the rest down the toilet. So spread it throughout your routine to make the best use of this sick preventing vitamin. Wearing face masks and examination gloves could also help so that you can prevent infecting others.

Now most times you have it rough and other times you can have it really rough. You know, vomiting, hardcore diarrhea, coughing till you want to knock yourself out and a feeling like your head is about to explode. Personally I prefer not to throw up, or better yet not be sick in the first place! It’s funny how when we get sick we’ll load up on vitamin c and drink fluids as much as possible to combat the damage when if we made it part of our daily regiment the situation probably could have been avoided.


Of course there is the flu shot. Now this is a touchy subject because regardless of who you talk to you’ll hear a lot of different answers. In fact it’s probably about 50/50 on if you should or should not take the shot. I’m not sure if people saying no to it are just paranoid but I catch myself leaning towards this choice myself. This doesn’t mean you definitely shouldn’t, it means you need to decide for yourself. I know that each year there are reports of people passing away due to influenza especially in the age group of 65+. For information sake, a study in Human and Experimental Toxicology reported that there were 590 fetal-loss reports per 1 million pregnant women vaccinated (or 1 per 1,695) during the 2009-2010 flu season (generally regarded as October-March, though flu symptoms can occur any time of the year).

Businessmen, mothers, doctors and your friends all have their own different opinions on taking the annual flu shot and not one is the definitive answer. As it stands, I think I’m going to try and take daily vitamin c, especially around the flu season and avoid the shot for now. What about you?

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Super Bowl XLVII 2013 Harbaugh Rivalry – San Francisco 49ers vs. Baltimore Ravens

Come February 3, 2013 at 6:30PM ET there will be the 47th Super Bowl at the Mercedes-Benz Super Dome in New Orleans, Louisiana.


This particular game is quite interesting because the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens are coached by brothers Jim and John Harvaugh respectively. The 49ers beat out the Atlanta Falcons with a final score of 28-24 overcoming a 20 point deficit in the first half of the NFC Championship game, and for those of you who are expecting another type of games, here you will find some Lern mehr.

The Ravens finished off the Patriots with a final score of 28-13 coming back from a 13-7 score for New England at halftime. Brady barely completed half of his passes, going 29-54 for 320 yards while throwing one touchdown but was picked off twice and finished with a 62.3 quarterback rating. Simply put Joe Flacco outplayed Tom Brady. Has Flacco now become part of the elite class of the NFL? Time will tell but his performance in the AFC Championship Game definitely gives him a good footing. Flacco finished with three passing touchdowns and no turnovers while posting a 106.3 quarterback rating.

The Super Bowl 2013 halftime show with include Beyonce Knowles and her apparently bringing 100 fans onto the stage to dance. To be eligible for onstage performance, fans will have to send in photos of themselves in various poses to before January 11th, 2013. Alicia Keys is set to sing the national anthem.


It’s going to be a violent and extremely exciting game with the two brothers battling it out for the victory. Welcome to the Har-Bowl.

Did you know a 30 second commercial in this years game will cost $4 million with CBS broadcasting and charging a flat rate for advertisements?

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