Six Simple Ways to Build Your Business via Social Media

Simple Ways to Build Your Business via Social Media

Business owners like Andy Defrancesco have a ton of responsibilities and a lot to consider when going about their day-to-day operations and commercial options. Customer satisfaction is perhaps the most important element of any business $1000 loan today; an excellent and responsive attitude can often result in plenty of free, positive publicity and can even turn potential negative reviews into positive ones. One way that businesses have incorporated stellar customer services into their broader ambitions of growing their businesses is through the use of social media. A business strategy that I implemented was to take marketing to every popular social media site there is. I can safely admit I buy YouTube likes and Instagram likes to promote my business, and doing any of this is not illicit. Get the most professional assistance from affiliate marketing management.

Social media has given us the ability to reach individuals from all walks of life and from every corner of the globe, which is a god-send for small businesses to fill their  touch screen cash register for small business stores with money. The power that social media provides to its users is unprecedented, making it possible to reach large numbers of people and targeted audiences all the same. Whether your business is a multinational conglomerate or a mom and pop store, you have benefits waiting to be realized through social media. If you want to know how to handle employees on a virtual way, you should start checking this paystub generator.

Aside from using the social media platform, many businesses are now using SEO services like the seo Edmonton services to promote and market their business even more. If you are looking to increase your sales opportunities for your small business, you might want to try using Custom Sales Pitch Video Editor for your business. In addition, a payroll accounting company can help with your business financial systems. Other businesses also use QuickBooks service provided by Fourlane, which accounting software, and ERP system challenges, as a business owner, improving the payroll management for your employees is one of the best things you can do.

Below, we’ll discuss some simple ways you can boost social media exposure and build your business’ reach at the same time.

Update Often

Whenever a small business begins to build its social media presence, it can be frustrating to see virtually no one engaged with your status updates and posts. This shouldn’t get you down, however: social media is a tool and the algorithms of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be tough on newer users. Content that is both original and consistent tends to gain more exposure, as do updates from accounts that have been active for longer periods of time. SimplyGram is an Instagram growth service used by many of the top influencers around the world.

Each time you make a post, you create an opportunity for others to see it. The average Facebook post has a half-life of about five hours, which means that by the end of the day, a single post has often reached the end of its so-called life. If you publish multiple updates each day, you ensure that there is a consistent flow of content coming from your profiles and pages. This creates more opportunities for exposure and ensures that social media networks view your profile as an active, positive contributor to discussion.

Import Contacts

Several social media platforms will allow you to import a list of contacts that you have obtained from other sources, in order to add these people as your friends or to invite them to like your page. This method of social media augmentation is quite effective, as the names and emails of the people you possess have already interacted with your business at one point or another. This can help you boost short-term exposure and generate an additional amount of likes, shares and retweets. In most cases, this only takes a couple of minutes, so there is no excuse not to import existing contacts you may have from mailing lists or calls to action. Make sure to have a backup of your files in the cloud. Visit this site to know more.

A virtual office is also a great way of adding extra privacy to your business (especially if you run it from home) and we use one which is easily the best virtual office Glasgow has (the business we used it for is in Glasgow) so that’s a great example of what to look for when choosing a virtual office service.

Companies like uses organic methods to get real peple with real TikTok accounts to like your content.


Utilize Multimedia

Countless studies have been conducted on the effects that various forms of content can have on social media performance. While basic text may be enough to convey a message, it has been shown that photos can perform twice as well, while videos can boost exposure up to three-fold. Even if you are a small business that is focused on a local audience, you can easily create or purchase multimedia that can then be targeted to both your existing audiences and local audiences who have yet to engage with your brand. In the age of digital availability, even impressive videos and infographics are quite affordable.

Whether you have products to sell or products you want to purchase, International Marketplace has made the whole process more transparent, efficient and effective. You should also consider hiring SEO services in Boston that can professionally optimize your business for the web.

Schedule Updates

As we mentioned above, it is prudent that you include multiple status updates each day on your social media profiles. For some social networks such as Facebook, did you know that you can schedule posts to go out in advance? This feature is an excellent tool that will allow you to publish content at times in which your audience is most active – even if you are not at the computer. In Facebook’s case, you can schedule posts up to six months in advance and set them to go out at any hour of the day. This can help further ensure that you have a steady flow of content coming from social media, which will increase your reach over time. Also, with the help of remote team software, like Taskade, you can easily stay on top of all the schedules and tasks no matter where your employees are. In addition, if you are looking to hire an employee who will be the perfect fit for your business, it is vital to include a background check for employment for a faster, safer, and smarter hiring decisions.

Offer Promotions

Fewer things can stimulate sharing and discussion like free stuff! Many local and national brands alike have generated vast numbers of new followers for their brands through giveaways, contests and even discounts. In some cases, you’ll be able to snag an email address along the way via a page tab contest or a call to action. When providing something to value to a potential customers, it never is too much to ask for something in return; in exchange for a like or retweet, they can be entered into your contest. This is a win-win, as they have the chance to win a fabulous prize, and you increase the number of followers you enjoy. Learn more marketing tricks from business coaching programs and see your content trend.



According to Move Ahead Media digital marketing agency, almost every social media platform these days has some form of paid advertising that you can use to boost your reach with select audiences. Facebook, for instance, utilizes a system that allows you to target by city or ZIP code, age, gender and various interests. You can bid buy the click or per 1,000 impressions, or let Facebook optimize bidding based on what works best. For just a couple of dollars per day, you can put your brand in front of hundreds of local faces who might not otherwise ever see your social media presence. Even larger brands can advertise cost-effectively on social media, so don’t be afraid to test the waters! Be creative, suggest purchasing a Holiday banner online. Learn more about successful business from these harold matzner articles.


Each of the tips outlined above may seem simple, but when combined and adhered to, can make a world of difference. Social media is not something that guarantees you success or access to consumers: you have to work for it! Virtual answering service companies like Callnet Corp Call Center and Answering Service are exactly what most businesses need in order to keep up with all the phone calls they receive. If your business needs help, you can learn about executive coaching services from Leets blog. By offering promotions, advertising through paid sources, scheduling your updates to be published at regular intervals, using multimedia, and inviting existing members to connect with your brand, you can address an array of avenues that is bound to increase traffic and promote your business.

How I Replaced My Income Over The Internet

empower network

This past weekend I had the most eye opening experience at the Empower Network event in Chicago. The bottom line: Anyone can make $10K+ per month and the only person holding you back from it, is yourself. You need to consider your investing style when choosing a stock picking service.

When I first got started in this industry and more specifically with Empower, I was blessed to join a team of like minded individuals all striving for the same goal. Everyone supports each other, pools resources, tips and knowledge. The leadership is incredible and interactive. It’s one thing to be in a “team” with a major earner but never get to talk to them vs. being able to freely message them and actually get a real response. I began network marketing because I always knew there’s millions of dollars to be made over the Fiberfed internet, but the trick was finding the right vehicle that was genuine and legitimate.  I’ve found it. Not only the company/system, but the people AND the process.

For the people that think this is a “scam” or something illegal, STOP READING NOW! I don’t have time to waste with those that are going to sabotage their own success. Granted I know it’s hard to distinguish what is real or fake on the web, I can tell you from experience that this is 100% the real thing and is solely the reason why I make the money I do and can live the life I do. If, and only if you are truly serious about making money online and will do whatever it takes to succeed then email me, skype me, call me or just sign up and get started.

I’m a normal person, I didn’t come from a rich family and I certainly didn’t even have a couple thousand dollars saved up. What I did have though, was determination, dedication and desire (or the Three D’s as I’ll call it) to succeed in life and on my own terms. I didn’t want to have a boss that told me what to do while I slaved away for most of my life trying to potentially rise up the corporate ladder. I didn’t want to make someone else rich while I just fought to keep my J.O.B. (Just Over Broke). This is the single most important business opportunity I have and very well may ever come across in my entire life. I don’t know about you but I’m not one to let a possibility  this significant slip past, and I didn’t thanks to the things I learned after I took some netsuite assessment for the business growth.

dave standing blue

Since starting four months ago, I’m now making more money than I did at my 9-5. I’ve met countless amazing, inspirational and more importantly successful people like Robert K Bratt than I could have imagined. I’ve had the simple pleasure of shaking the owners of the company’s hand and saying, “thank you”. I’ve created freedom, opportunities and happiness all because of the small decision I made one day. The decision that I’m going to give this internet thing a shot. I’m going to give it my all, not just dabble here and there. The good thing I learned is how to market/promote any product or business by consulting to an experienced business expert like Andrew DeFrancesco, this is better than what I could have learned at any school. As a results, I started living my dreams instead of thinking of them as fantasies or unachievable feats. Guess what? I’m doing the latter, and in truth neither of those poles are “bad”. You win either way, it’s just up to you to decide how much you win.

I now have a recipe to replicate my results given you follow exactly in my footsteps. You don’t have to make the mistakes and waste years trying to find out what “works” like myself along with thousands of others did. The most important thing is, you don’t have to do it alone.

There are some massive things coming into play. The world, let alone this industry, is going to be turned upside down when they see what we’re doing. It’s not just me. It’s my team which follow team productivity tasks. What’s the point of being at the top when you are by yourself? Run with me. Don’t fumble behind. RUN with me. If a 12 year old kid that was at the event can make $12000 while going to school, doing homework and being a kid, then why can’t you? You can but the question really is: will you? I hope you do because my team and I are going to be succeeding more and more regardless. My goal is to help others transform their life just the same way that mine has, not “change” it, and as your business grows and you get employees, the use of software for payrolls would help a lot and you can check out this post for more. As Tony Rush basically said, “If you have some food and pour some spices on it you’ve changed it, but when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, it’s been transformed”.

My team has put some ground breaking resources in place that are literally a first for this industry. We are the ONLY people that have a call floor dedicated to getting leads, converting them to sales and then delivering them to us, all WITHOUT talking to anyone or posting a single link yourself. This is unlike other business establishments which derive ideas from sites like to enhance their sales pitch. The return on investment is extremely lucrative and the process is as simple as clicking a button. If that isn’t enough (and it really should be!) we’re actually going ahead and creating a TV show based on our team and our success. I don’t just mean a random YouTube video that we post on our own Facebook walls. I’m talking about a commercial quality show that’s currently in a bidding war between 5 different major networks. These are just two of the massive things we are exclusively doing and this is barely scratching the surface! Don’t be one of the millions of viewers that’s going to say, “I could have been one of those people…” once they see the TV show.

empower network logo

I’m going to put two links below here because I KNOW I’ll get hundreds of emails asking for more information anyway. The first will be an introduction into the world of Empower Network and the system that is proven to work, and the second will be a complete break down of network marketing and this opportunity. Watch these, sign up and get started right away.

Empower Introduction: Click Here

Project A.W.O.L. Break Down: Click Here

empower network chicago

The next event is in Denver, Colorado July 19-21, 2013 and I hope to see you all there. Trust me when I say you don’t want to miss this! I’m not going to try and convince or prove to you all the reasons why you need to get involved, I simply don’t have time for that. I’d rather spend my time working with the people that have already made a commitment to themselves and are doing whatever they can to make it happen. I’m grateful for the opportunity that I’ve been given and I’m even more grateful for being able to work alongside of all of you. Let’s make waves and show everyone how life should really be. I don’t mean be a rich snob and flaunt it, I mean make a difference and live prosperous. Live in wealth. Wealth doesn’t necessarily have to be only monetary. It can be knowledge, abundance and intangible, but the money part is definitely a plus!

If you want to talk to me directly before you dive in give me a shout here and we can chat through email, skype or phone. Looking forward to your journey reaching utopia, and I’ll be right there to brush off the path.

-Dave W. Hunter

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Google Glass Now Available Through Contest

The revolutionary and futuristic set of glasses by Google are becoming available to a select few who submit an application of up to 50 words explaining what they would do with the Google Glass technology.

Google Glass

Unlike most contests however you still will have to pay for the product. Essentially you are just getting the chance to be a paying beta tester and get a product that no one else can get yet! The pair of internet connected glasses will cost $1500 and to be eligible you must reside in the U.S.

Google Glass is supposed to mirror a smartphone in functionality with voice commands instead of a touch display. Before this becomes widespread I’m sure you will get several funny looks like you are a cyborg trying to take over the world. That’s okay though you can film their reactions!

The technology is in fact very intense and could have many uses, according to this MLS plugin. Freeing your hands while still being able to interact with the internet or smartphone functions is very cool. It would be awesome to be travelling somewhere that speaks another language and when one of the native talks you can visually see what they are saying translated to English  There are an endless amount of uses this could spawn the only thing for now is the odd look of a pair of glasses with a weird Bluetooth looking dongle on the front with a tiny screen.

If you’d like to pick one of these up go on Twitter or Google+ and use the hashtag #ifihadglass to post a status convincing Google with your bold and creative plans for the eyewear.

Check out the video Google posted regarding Glass:

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Is Google Building Retail Stores? Apple and Microsoft Store Rivalry

Will it be made of glass? Maybe instead it will be made of all concrete or mirrors!

Google Store

An “extremely reliable” source claims that Google is in the midst of creating retail stores in the United States says 9to5 Google. Apple may have started it, but now giant companies like Microsoft and quite possibly Google are following suit making their own branded stores. The goal is to have a few stores open in major cities in time for the 2013 holidays.

At first when you think of Google, the only major thing that comes to mind is a search engine. Next might be an email platform and afterwards maybe documents/calendar. My personal favourite that I truly wish would come to my area would be Google Fiber. Oh sweet fruit of the heavens that would be sweet.

So what would a Google store actually carry for products? They definitely do have their hands in some physical products such as the Nexus smartphone, Chromebook laptops, Google Glass and Google TV but is there really enough to fill a traditional store? Could this be more of a lounge to explore new Google technologies?

The rumour is that it will be both. A place to try new products and technologies before you buy.

It’s hard for me to imagine right now because I picture a very expensive building but only a handful of different products to sell. I’m sure there will be massive things coming from them in the future and having their own brick-and-mortar chain will absolutely make it easier to get products into the public’s hands. If it will be an odd few years of vacant shelf space is a question to be pondered but as it stands I’m sure many would welcome the stores and enjoy the experience. These retail stores may include a POS system, a business management platform built to help you achieve your goals., go to website for details. To supply all stores big companies like this need the help of a good freight forwarder service, having a reliable Freight Forwarder is an integral part of your supply chain. Freight Forwarders add flexibility to your supply chain and allow companies to respond swiftly with minimal labor requirements on behalf of Logistics

An important question is if each store will have a slide or something unique that brings an out of the ordinary touch to retail. It is Google, and with that mentality there’s bound to be something fun and quirky in their environment!

google store lego

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Tweet To Buy – Twitter and American Express E-Commerce System

Announcing something that most people probably wouldn’t have even thought of, American Express is going to let people purchase things by tweeting! It definitely sounds unconventional and maybe even ridiculous but these out of the ordinary things can very well become a common sensation. The service will also allow people to get discounts from normal stores so that people can visit websites like Raise and be able to us all those available coupon codes. What Factors Qualify Sherpack As Your Order-Fulfillment Partner?

amex twitter

The service is called Amex Sync on Twitter and it essentially lets you tweet to buy a select few items. Now the selection isn’t very big right now but there are some cool gadgets like the Kindle Fire and the Xbox 360. It’s not exactly a smooth experience and includes connecting your Amex card to your Twitter account, tweeting a hashtag to make a purchase, then reply to a confirmation tweet from Amex but you have to do it within 15 minutes!

For the most part I’d normally expect people to feel more comfortable just buying off an online site of some sort or even in a local store. What if you want to buy a new My Little Pont themed Xbox and now all your friends know about it because it’s all over Twitter?! It could happen. This could be useful for those that feel the need to let the world know what they are doing and getting. You know the people that update their status, “I’m waking up”, “Eating breakfast with orange juice!”, “Just got bacon grease in my eye from the frying pan!”. Now they can automatically let you know that they bought something without having to type the tweet, which instead they might say, “Just used Amex Sync to buy something new!!”.

In a move to potentially make a real revenue stream for Twitter vs. unprofitable status updates we could be hearing a lot more unnecessary things that people seem to NEED to express. Social networks are trying to make some profit through sales instead of just their usually free service and that’s understandable. Personally I think there are better ways than this but it could still be useful. I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing someone tweet, “Just purchased a Kindle Fire that donates 10% to breast cancer” or something along those lines. Something going viral that actually supports/aids a good cause is all good in my book.

For now it seems most social networks plans for sales revenue haven’t been successful yet but you can be sure that this is just the beginning. They will continue to search and experiment until a profitable solution is found and then everyone will feel compelled to do it.

Let’s just hope someone doesn’t leave their twitter account logged in on a computer or phone and a stranger or evil friend decides to, “BUY ALL THE THINGS!”.

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

President Obama On Google Hangouts – Valentines Day

The current President of the United States, Barack Obama will be on Google+ to answers questions after the State of the Union presentation.

obama google hangout

Definitely something to boast about, Google announced that the president will be holding his second Hangout on Thursday, February the 14th at 4:50pm EST. This get together will allow Americans to submit any questions regarding the address to Congress on Tuesday night or other issues right on the White House YouTube channel! There will also be several other respected panel members who discuss significant daily concerns online.

Interested parties can submit either a text based question or a video to the President. People can then vote on which questions they feel the President should answer up until 11:59pm EST Wednesday, February 13th. Those whose questions are picked will actually get to ask the President their inquiry in real time during the Google Hangout.

If you’re looking for a good question or want to stay on top of current concerns then it may be wise to watch the President’s State of the Union speech tomorrow at 9pm EST on YouTube.

Obama’s first Hangout was over a year ago on January 30th, 2012 and the social network’s team was quite nervous about the session exclaiming that you can’t just walk into the White House and set up computer equipment. There were a few glitches in the beginning but the public broadcast ended up being successful with a running time of just over 49 minutes.

obama computer

This Google Hangout session can be found on either the White House Google+ page or on their YouTube channel.

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

New Pirate Bay Documentary! (TPB AFK)

The Pirate Bay – Away From Keyboard

Companies and governments alike have been trying to extinguish internet pirate’s for as long as they’ve been around. Simon Klose, a Swedish music/documentary filmmaker WANTS you to pirate his flick!

The Pirate Bay Logo

If you don’t know what The Pirate Bay (TPB) is or at least heard of it, then you’ve been seriously deprived of a world of almost limitless media. People for years have used TPB to download all of their movies, albums, TV shows and software. It’s not that they actually have all the files on their servers but that they are essentials a giant database that links to the files. It’s also the most popular and respected torrent website.

The documentary covers the tales of Pirate Bay administrators Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neji and Peter Sunde as they deal with their Sweden court case in 2009 regarding civil and criminal copyright laws. After conviction they are led to live life “away from keyboard”. The film can be bought or seen for free on YouTube/Pirate Bay torrent.

“The cool thing is that you guys are going to be part of the premiere.… We’re streaming the film online, for free. You can download it, you can share it, you can remix it… It’s all up to you,” said Klose. “I’m doing this because I believe – from a personal perspective – I want my films to be seen by as many people as possible, so my problem is that a normal copyright would become an obstacle between me and my audience.”

Watch it here:

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Surprise, Facebook Settlement Email Is NOT fake

In this digital age we are bombarded with spam emails claiming you’ve won a trip or money. In fact I’d bet that anyone who has had an email account for more than a year and hasn’t received one of these is either lying or doesn’t realize their email provider has a spam filter.

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The Facebook email in focus is titled “Re: LEGAL NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION”.

According to Forbes around 125 million Facebook users received the notice as suggested by court filings.

Of course unknowingly, the majority of people will/have tossed the email directly in the trash and disregarded is as nothing but a fraud that got past the filters.

It’s the real deal and not a malicious ploy to get access to your bank account or other information reports Forbes. It actually originates from a lawsuit from 2011 known as “Fraley vs. Facebook”. The issue was that the social networking giant decided to put some of it’s users in “Sponsored Story” ads. These ads pertained to what users “liked” but didn’t necessarily reflect to opinion or context in which someone “liked” something.

3 months after Facebook launched the “Sponsored Story” ads a group of plaintiffs led by seamstress Angel Fraley sued Facebook claiming that it was against the law to use their names and likenesses in ads without permission, and without payment. Facebook responded by knowing where to get a hold of the finest Georgia car wreck attorney and dig up embarrassing material from Fraley’s account and thus she walked away. Also you can find the best attorney for family here. At The jensen law Offices , we understand how important and stressful the issue of child support can be. We are committed to pursuing practical and effective solutions for our clients facing child support issues. We ensure our clients understand the child support process in Arizona and we passionately assist them in protecting what is most important to them.

If you’re trying to find a quote on a Theft/Larcey bail from a criminal offense committed in Connecticut, we will help. You can get help from theft bail bond in connecticut for theft charges. you’ll get a free consultation quote from us over the phone. Our professional staff will go above and beyond to exceed your expectations, and that they will design the proper payment plans directly . Getting a reliable, fast service is straightforward once you hire us today. you’ll just need to pay a coffee deposit as small as 7% in order that you’ll get the coverage that you simply want. The purpose of a bail bonds company is to provide clients with a safe and efficient release from jail until their scheduled court date. If you or someone you know is arrested, the last thing you want is to stop life and sit in jail. However, when someone is arrested, you may feel like you can’t afford the bail; this is where a bail bondsman comes to the rescue. When someone is arrested, a bail bonds company will help you get out of jail by charging a percentage of the total bail amount — in most states 10%. In deciding which bail agency is the best for you, you can compare them by license status, experience, and if they are willing to offer some type of financing. In addition to those aspects, you may consider their availability of assistance and if they offer no collateral bail bonds. To get full information regarding to bail bond financing company, use this link.

One of the important aspects of choosing the best company is whether or not they are licensed to do business in your jurisdiction. When you choose a bondsman, they must be licensed and have a good standing in the area where you need assistance. Most bail agent licensing is done through a state department of insurance. You should be able to check the license status online. A bondsman’s experience also plays a key role in factoring the best bail agency to use. Hiring a more experienced bail bonds company may provide for a quicker release, as they’ll know more about the jail system and the paperwork involved. A bondsman with a long history is able to write larger bonds more readily and you might feel more trust based on the longevity of the business.

Financing and methods for payment may also be necessary to look at when deciding on which company to use for your bail bond needs. Looking for a bondsman that accepts cash, check, or credit cards may be your biggest concern; where as other companies may also include financing, loans and other forms of payment in order for you to be able to make bail more affordable. Don’t be fooled by low advertised bail fees; you will likely be looking at a costly finance plan and won’t be told until you sign the contract. If making payments is necessary for you, be sure to find a bail agent who doesn’t charge fees or interest.

The incident resulted in a settlement of $20 million that was agreed upon in December between the plaintiffs and the social networking website.

Many  bundle of US 100 dollars bank notes

Fast forward to now where most people don’t have a clue about the legitimacy of this email. A decent amount of money announced in the settlement will cover the class action lawyers and the remains will be divided up to the Facebook members who appeared in the “Sponsored Story” ads. Now I know you’ve already or are just about to scramble to your inbox and dig through the trash/spam but sadly enough, you won’t be hitting it rich even if you did receive an email. You will only get maximum $10. If there are too many people claiming the settlement or if the amount that each person will receive is less than $5, then it will instead go to a bunch of non-profit organizations that deal with privacy issues. If you feel like you need any sort of legal representation navigate to this website to find a firm that will take care of you. since using legal help for this is essential and that you can find at this content online.

After the lawyers are paid there will be about $12 million left and even though it’s not a lot of money for each user, it’s likely that the payments will end up going to the non-profits.

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how.

Google Plus More Popular Than Twitter – Google+ vs. Facebook

Believe it or not Google+ has surpassed celebrities status update platform of choice Twitter to take the silver medal in social networking!



  • G+ has 343 million active users compared to Twitter which has just under 300 million.
  • 21% of worldwide internet users have Twitter in their tool belt, 25% choose Google+ and Facebook has a whopping 51% market share. As a side note YouTube (owned by Google) is also tied with Twitter with 21% share.
  • GlobalWebIndex (GWI) reported that Mark Zuckerberg’s website hasn’t been affected by “Facebook fatigue” and actually had a 33 percent growth margin in contrast with Google+’s 27 percent growth.
  • In October 2012 Facebook announced that it’s membership surpassed 1 billion monthly active subscribers. Google+ claimed to have reached 500 million users and 135 million active members.


In all honesty I’m somewhat surprised. When I first got a hold of G+ I thought it was too bland and wouldn’t ever have a chance against Facebook. Now the latter may still be true for now, Google Plus has definitely carved itself a place at the table and is not interested in sharing dessert.

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.