Project A.W.O.L TV Show Launches – Watch The Episodes Free And See How To Make An Online Income!

Our TV Show Has Launched! Meet some people that are making a living off the internet.

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You know that “internet thing” that I’ve been doing to make an income online? Well my team has FINALLY released the first episode of the TV show that has been in the works for the past several months. Filmed in Thailand, you will get to meet some extraordinary people that are doing the exact same thing as me to generate money over the internet. You MUST watch this as it’s living proof that this isn’t some small time thing that only a couple “lucky” people can do. SEO, according to this automotive marketing agency, is simply expanded as Search Engine Optimisation, which is popularly used in internet marketing in today’s online world.


First off, we’ve all dreamed of doing whatever we want whenever want but the problem is that we left it as exactly that; a dream. I’ve been telling the people close to me that this is easily the best thing that could impact their life. This isn’t a get reach quick scheme, in fact you have to actually work to get the results that will allow you to have true freedom. To see a live income disclaimer showing the average earnings depending on the time spent on your business, click here.

Let me ask you this though. If it took you an entire year to reach a point where you can make a full time income online, thus freeing you from the typical 9-5 job until you’re 60+ years old, would it be worth it?

According to Andrew Defrancesco the answer should clearly be yes. Especially when it can take much less than a year. A good friend of mine, Dakota McLearn who was 19 years old at the time, earned $20 000 within two months of starting this! The thing is, not everyone will make money. Some people make $0 and some people make almost a MILLION dollars a month. Not everyone will be able to travel the world, buy the toys they want and sleep for as long as they choose. The reason is because they are too hesitant to take the plunge and dedicate & invest the time and resources needed to be successful.


I’m here to show you that it is 100% possible. In fact you can earn while you learn! This show is going to blow up and you should all be along for the ride!!

Go ahead and sign up at the link titled “Get started here!” for best investment you’ll make at $25. Something crucial to keep in mind for some people is that if you aren’t in the position you want to be in life, whether that be financially or not, you need to do something different.

If you ever wanted a chance at something truly great but were always skeptical, all I can say is that those who take the “risk” and do whatever it takes, tend to end up with absolutely amazing results.

I’ve also got a nice bonus I’m giving out to the serious people that dive in up to the $15K Formula (you’ll learn all about what this is once you’re inside) and prove that they are here to make an income online. Let’s just say all of the top earners on our team take advantage of it and it can easily be one of the most lucrative resources available!

Get started here!

If you still want to see more, click here to view the company’s website.

Looking forward to connecting with you,

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

New Pirate Bay Documentary! (TPB AFK)

The Pirate Bay – Away From Keyboard

Companies and governments alike have been trying to extinguish internet pirate’s for as long as they’ve been around. Simon Klose, a Swedish music/documentary filmmaker WANTS you to pirate his flick!

The Pirate Bay Logo

If you don’t know what The Pirate Bay (TPB) is or at least heard of it, then you’ve been seriously deprived of a world of almost limitless media. People for years have used TPB to download all of their movies, albums, TV shows and software. It’s not that they actually have all the files on their servers but that they are essentials a giant database that links to the files. It’s also the most popular and respected torrent website.

The documentary covers the tales of Pirate Bay administrators Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neji and Peter Sunde as they deal with their Sweden court case in 2009 regarding civil and criminal copyright laws. After conviction they are led to live life “away from keyboard”. The film can be bought or seen for free on YouTube/Pirate Bay torrent.

“The cool thing is that you guys are going to be part of the premiere.… We’re streaming the film online, for free. You can download it, you can share it, you can remix it… It’s all up to you,” said Klose. “I’m doing this because I believe – from a personal perspective – I want my films to be seen by as many people as possible, so my problem is that a normal copyright would become an obstacle between me and my audience.”

Watch it here:

Hope you liked this post! Please feel free to like, share, tweet and comment. If you want to discuss your favorite interests and make money while doing it then click here.

I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Workaholics Making Waves On Comedy Central

Digital marketing has changed the way of communication between a company and their customers. There are new ways to operate as a result of the evolution of modern technologies. With this development businesses have to take huge steps to keep up with these changes, the new opportunities and the new way of marketing in a digital horizon. In the digital world where business and commerce are heading to, digital marketing techniques provide business owners the best chances for survival, competition and even business growth. Digital marketing is not only an investment-wise decision, nevertheless an effective marketing channel which can help you business growth!

Not only modern companies and agencies have slowly started moving towards digital development. Moreover traditional ones find their way and investing more on their online marketing strategy. Helping companies that have passed these chances for digitizing their strategy, agencies like Digital Loop can help with their knowledge in MarTech, Digital Marketing and Analytics. The focus is on digital marketing plans and how they can help to grow a business. With digital marketing solutions a company has the chance to focus on fast-growing and profitable online businesses. Since in these times the process of analysing your digital marketing strategy and of drawing online customers is defining whether a business is thriving and successful or has just failed. This makes digital marketing so important!

The field of digital marketing is hard contested

On the one hand there are so many various digital marketing tools which make it possible for companies to compete with others. On the other hand these days it hasn´t been easier to build a strong online presence with the opportunity to grow a business. So let’s have a look at the customers and how they can be reached by digital marketing.

Reach more customers with simple SEO

For a better digital marketing strategy and a huge business growth it is important to encounter these people which you would never reach by just applying custom SEO strategies. Using SEO is one of the most important things by improving business growth. Every user that clicks on your website and isn’t already a customer of yours is a little step into growing your business, because he can sign into your mailing list or shop something from your eCommerce. The more potential customers are visiting your website, the better you’ll get visible in search results. With the help of an agency like Digital Loop it is possible to create more traffic by using SEO strategies. We are the experts for SEO and dive deep into your business to understand things and communicate these with your target group. This is the way to get in touch with your audience and cause them from customers to friends.

Join channels that drive your sales and business

One of the best things by increasing your digital marketing is to get results almost in real time. You can use tools to see which channels bring you the most traffic, which campaign was the most effective and which site your customers likes the most. So you can easily plan your next advertising campaign and know exactly what you should focus on and invest. For this you need to get into your statistics and know exactly what metrics you need to get the measurements you want. Once this is done, it’s much easier to create ad campaigns and drive traffic to your website if you want to drive sales.

If it’s more important for you to drive brand awareness by getting followers and subscribers, observe the important metrics after the launch of your campaign. To make things less complicated it’s better to use digital marketing programs which can help you to monitor your ROI and analytics. With the opportunity to fully integrate a CRM into these programs it is easy handling all digital marketing needs at the same time. So Digital Marketing provides small and medium businesses the chance to compete with others. They can now attract their share of targeted traffic.

Use the cost-effective benefits of digital marketing

Did you know that according to Gartner’s Digital Marketing Spend Report 40% claimed to be getting considerable savings by using digital marketing methods of promotion for their business? Further 28% of business owners decided to shift marketing budget from traditional channels into digital marketing tools and techniques. Because this is what helps your business growth.

Use social media marketing to reach current and potential customers

Social media is very dominating our lives and so it is in marketing. This is why it should play a large role in your digital marketing strategy. Social media is the best opportunity to reach new and old customers by using short but relevant content. Also it is easy to cross-promote over social media. Get the most accourate predictive analytics.

Social media makes it possible to get in touch with customers by using easy wordings, so you can make them feel like part of your company. You can reach not only potential customers but also new employees. Besides that, social media is an easy way to check the mood of your customers by scrolling through comments, likes and shares. What are they currently thinking about your services, products or brand? You can utilize social media tools to see what people are talking and saying about your brand without being tagged in their comments. This gives more and more opportunities to increase business growth by using digital marketing tools and aspects. According to HubSpot Social Media helps to generate quick and effective interaction with your target audience and delivers better-than-average results in terms of higher conversion rates!

Real Life or Foolish Ignorance?

You know how it feels when you click on a tasty-looking recipe, only to find out you need 28 different ingredients, 6-8 hours, and some weird kitchen gadget you’ve never heard to make it?

That’s how it can feel when you decide to get in shape.

You figure you’ll just lace up your sneakers and get started — but then you’ve got magazines and message boards and friends and trainers bombarding you with workout tips about heart rate zones and cardio and weightlifting and some aggressive-sounding thing called HIIT.

Wading through all the information and deciphering what’s fact from fiction can be overwhelming, but don’t get discouraged.

You don’t need to be a fitness expert to get results.

Armed with a bit of basic info, you can start seeing progress quickly, which can make all the difference when it comes to staying motivated and sticking with your program.

Read on for answers to common questions about working out and getting fit — these are verified workout tips you can actually trust.

How Often Do I Need to Work Out?

Anything is better than nothing, but shoot for at least three times a week, and remain active (by walking, doing yoga, etc.) every day.

Working out more often can lead to faster results — as long as you’re smart about it.

Once you’ve nailed your fitness goals, it’s okay to scale back a little — but not completely.

To maintain your progress, you must keep your activity level high.

How Long Should My Workouts Be?

The answer depends entirely on how hard you’re willing to work.

According to a study, 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) — which alternates short bursts of intense effort with periods of low-intensity rest — produced a similar reduction in body fat as 40 minutes of continuous moderate to vigorous exercise.

In short, if you’re someone who can “bring it,” you can slash your workout time in half. But don’t just take our word for it. Try Transform :20 and see for yourself.

When Is the Best Time of Day to Work Out?

This one is easy: The best time of day to work out is the time when you can do so consistently.

Do you have a stressful job? Get your sweat on in the mornings with a program like Morning Meltdown 100 before other people start making demands on your time.

Do you often have lunches free? Schedule your workouts for midday.

Do you typically leave work needing to blow off some steam? Evening workouts will likely give you the outlet you need.

Bottom line: There is no best time for everyone, but there is a best time for you.

What Should I Eat Before a Workout?

It depends. If it’s a light workout, you should be able to power through it without extra fuel.

But if you’re going to hit it hard and keep hitting it for a while, eat a healthy snack that contains a mixture of carbs and protein (e.g., apple slices with peanut butter) 1 to 3 hours before you begin.

Also, if you find yourself dragging, a pre-workout drink like Beachbody Performance Energize can help give you the boost you need to crush your sweat session.

Do I Need Electrolytes While I Exercise?

When you sweat, you not only lose water, but also high concentrations of sodium and chloride. Electrolyte drinks are used to replace what you lose.

But as long as you stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and work out less than 60 minutes a day, you can probably skip the sports drink.

The kicker is that most people don’t drink enough water throughout the day to start their workouts well hydrated.

As such, it’s smart to drink water or a low-sugar sports drink like Beachbody Performance Hydrate.

How Do I Get Rid of a Muffin Top?

Bad news: You can’t spot-reduce fat. Good news: Your muffin top will shrink as you lose overall body fat.

In addition to dialing in your diet and dialing up your workout frequency and intensity, focus on making a few other key lifestyle changes that can accelerate fat loss, such as logging enough sleep, increasing your daily activity level outside of your workouts, and reducing your overall stress level.


How Much Weight Should I Lift? What if I Don’t Want to Bulk Up?

Always lift the heaviest weight that will allow you to complete not only all of your sets of a given exercise but the entire workout.

If you’re following a Beachbody program like LIIFT4, the weights you use will likely change from workout to workout depending on the focus (e.g., strength, endurance, fat loss, cardio, etc.).

Also, don’t worry about bulking up — especially if you’re a woman.

Most women don’t have the genetics to build beefy “man muscle,” so that shouldn’t even be a concern.

And most men would need to spend years pumping iron to build the kind of physique that would land them in a bodybuilding or strongman competition (if indeed they were genetically predisposed to build that kind of muscle in the first place).

Here’s what you can expect from working out consistently: a stronger, leaner, more defined version of the body you have right now.

I’m Hella Sore From My Last Workout. Should I Go Hard, Easy, or Take a Rest Day?

It depends on your level of soreness. A little bit of movement can boost your circulation and shorten recovery time, so resist the urge to just sit on the couch if your soreness is minimal to moderate.

Instead, opt for a light workout, and be sure to stretch and/or foam roll afterward.

If you’re completely hobbled or concerned that you might have pulled a muscle, go ahead and rest — your body needs a recovery day (or days) now and then.

But also know this: No workout should leave you hella sore. If you feel excessively sore after you work out, you pushed yourself too hard. Dial back the intensity next time.

Also, don’t think that more soreness equals greater gains. Soreness is a poor indicator of workout quality or effectiveness.

What’s Better for Losing Weight — Cardio or Strength?

Strength training will always trump steady-state cardio (think: jogging) when it comes to shedding pounds. But why pick one when you can choose both?

Nowadays, many workout programs combine strength and cardio with HIIT.

(You’ll find a wide selection of these workouts on Beachbody On Demand.) Talk about efficiency!

What’s the Deal With the Heart Rate Zones? Which One Should I Aim For?

Elite athletes and endurance runners closely monitor their heart rates during training, but if you don’t fall into either of those categories, don’t worry about it.

Just go as hard as you can, recover, and repeat.

I Can’t Afford a Trainer. What Should I Do?

This is where you get the sales pitch — but that doesn’t make the reason for it any less valid.

If you can’t afford (or simply don’t want) a personal trainer, sign up for a streaming online workout service.

With Beachbody On Demand, you’ll get access to hundreds of workouts, so you can find the one that best fits your personality, fitness level, time constraints, and preferred training style (e.g., HIIT, weightlifting, dance, etc.). This is the best Testosterone booster.

You also get access to a free Team Beachbody Coach who can introduce you to a whole community of like-minded folks who understand what you’re going through.

That last part is key; if you aren’t having fun and seeing results, you won’t be exercising for long, so find a program and Group that inspires you, and then do your best to crush every workout.