ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer

skin cancer

Have you ever noticed a new, strange looking mole that has appeared on your body? How about a mole that has changed in shape or colour? No matter the appearance of your skin condition or the length of time you have left it, you should book a consultation with a dermatology shrewsbury expert to make sure you keep yourself safe and healthy. What may have popped up in your mind is “oh my god, what if it is skin cancer”?! Mole removal treatments exist if you have this issue but before there are five simple rules for detecting cancerous moles. There are different procedures to alter one’s look like getting a square chin.


Asymmetry – If you take a look at your mole and the shape is not even or symmetrical this could be a sign of a cancerous mole.


Border - If you notice an irregular border on your mole this could also be a bad sign. This includes borders that are broken and straying from a circular shape.


Colour - If you see that there are two or more different colourings to one mole this could be a sign of skin cancer. One example would be a mole that is light brown with a smaller black colour inside of it.


Diameter - If you have a mole that is 6mm or larger in diameter then you might have a problem.


Elevation - If there is any elevation to your mole this could be a sign of skin cancer, although there are many normal moles that have elevation also called an elevated nevus.

If you have one or more of the signs above in your mole, refer to your physician. It is also good to get a professional opinion even if your mole does not have any of the signs above.

Jarvis, C. (2009). Physical examination and health assessment. (1st Canadian Ed.). Toronto: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 3: Assessment of the skin, hair, and nails (Page 280).

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The Difference Between – Part 4 (Capslock)

capslock off


capslock on

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Google Glass Now Available Through Contest

The revolutionary and futuristic set of glasses by Google are becoming available to a select few who submit an application of up to 50 words explaining what they would do with the Google Glass technology.

Google Glass

Unlike most contests however you still will have to pay for the product. Essentially you are just getting the chance to be a paying beta tester and get a product that no one else can get yet! The pair of internet connected glasses will cost $1500 and to be eligible you must reside in the U.S.

Google Glass is supposed to mirror a smartphone in functionality with voice commands instead of a touch display. Before this becomes widespread I’m sure you will get several funny looks like you are a cyborg trying to take over the world. That’s okay though you can film their reactions!

The technology is in fact very intense and could have many uses, according to this MLS plugin. Freeing your hands while still being able to interact with the internet or smartphone functions is very cool. It would be awesome to be travelling somewhere that speaks another language and when one of the native talks you can visually see what they are saying translated to English  There are an endless amount of uses this could spawn the only thing for now is the odd look of a pair of glasses with a weird Bluetooth looking dongle on the front with a tiny screen.

If you’d like to pick one of these up go on Twitter or Google+ and use the hashtag #ifihadglass to post a status convincing Google with your bold and creative plans for the eyewear.

Check out the video Google posted regarding Glass:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Is Google Building Retail Stores? Apple and Microsoft Store Rivalry

Will it be made of glass? Maybe instead it will be made of all concrete or mirrors!

Google Store

An “extremely reliable” source claims that Google is in the midst of creating retail stores in the United States says 9to5 Google. Apple may have started it, but now giant companies like Microsoft and quite possibly Google are following suit making their own branded stores. The goal is to have a few stores open in major cities in time for the 2013 holidays.

At first when you think of Google, the only major thing that comes to mind is a search engine. Next might be an email platform and afterwards maybe documents/calendar. My personal favourite that I truly wish would come to my area would be Google Fiber. Oh sweet fruit of the heavens that would be sweet.

So what would a Google store actually carry for products? They definitely do have their hands in some physical products such as the Nexus smartphone, Chromebook laptops, Google Glass and Google TV but is there really enough to fill a traditional store? Could this be more of a lounge to explore new Google technologies?

The rumour is that it will be both. A place to try new products and technologies before you buy.

It’s hard for me to imagine right now because I picture a very expensive building but only a handful of different products to sell. I’m sure there will be massive things coming from them in the future and having their own brick-and-mortar chain will absolutely make it easier to get products into the public’s hands. If it will be an odd few years of vacant shelf space is a question to be pondered but as it stands I’m sure many would welcome the stores and enjoy the experience. These retail stores may include a POS system, a business management platform built to help you achieve your goals., go to website for details. To supply all stores big companies like this need the help of a good freight forwarder service, having a reliable Freight Forwarder is an integral part of your supply chain. Freight Forwarders add flexibility to your supply chain and allow companies to respond swiftly with minimal labor requirements on behalf of Logistics

An important question is if each store will have a slide or something unique that brings an out of the ordinary touch to retail. It is Google, and with that mentality there’s bound to be something fun and quirky in their environment!

google store lego

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.