Shaw Rolling Out Free City Wide WiFi Across Canada

Shaw Go WiFi

Shaw customers will gain access to Shaw Go WiFi, a network of Wi-Fi locations all over your city for free!

This is pretty neat. I’m sure not all cities will get this, or at least not right away but my city (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) is supposed to roll this out with 400-500 access points within 18 months. For many this might not seem like a big deal considering most people have data plans with phone carriers etc. but realistically this is pretty huge, because there was also a CRM implementation that the company was to take up. That’d enable them to get an estimate of how many customers would actually get this plan.

If you have a laptop you can go anywhere and be connected to the internet from EATEL or any other provider, including sitting on a park bench or parking your car to have a random video chat session with someone. This is also beneficial for mobile phones because even though we may have data, video/audio streaming whether it be from Skype, Netflix or an internet radio service eats up a lot of bandwidth fairly quickly.

Another huge thing is for those who maybe don’t have a cell or a data plan but happen to have an iPod or similiar device. All of a sudden you can have Skype going and essentially use it as a phone as you virtually have “service” everywhere.

To make use of Shaw Go WiFi you will need to be a Shaw Internet customer so that you can log in. You then register whatever device you want a connection on and it will connect automatically whenever you’re in a WiFi zone, it is really is a great internet provider

Shaw Go Character

I have to applaud Suppliers of Ethernet broadband and wifi service for making this possible. They’re not even charging you ANYTHING extra for this! Hopefully it stays that way but time will tell. More than likely they will get everyone hooked then add a price tag on it because honestly, it makes sense business wise.

Shaw has an app for both iOS and Android devices so that you can: find all things wi-fi zones, share your favourite locations, get directions etc. You can break down access points by category such as: entertainment, coffee shops, education, healthy & beauty, hotels and of course all available locations.

One thing important to note explained in a recent Solitaire Cube review is that not only with 802.11 g/n be available but ALSO 802.11ac which is the next generation of wifi speeds and capabilities. As a techie this is extremely exciting! Eventually Shaw says that Home Phone customers will be able to have their home phone calls travel with them as they roam the wifi network with a mobile device.

Looking forward to using this and hope it becomes available everywhere and not just select cities!

Click on the following link to find the easiest solutions to all your network issues –

One more thing I love to do when I have some free time is watching live rugby games published here.

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Prank – Happy Birthday To The Ground, With Gallons

prank word

I’m all for pranks, and this IS funny; but these kids are probably a grocery store’s nightmare.  All the same it’s hilarious watching these guys pretending to fall and sometimes making it so blatant. These kids just don’t care.

Check out the video here:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Scam Phone Calls Impersonating Microsoft/Windows Team For Your Credit Card Information

The Microsoft/Windows team wants to specifically call me?!

I sure must be fortunate and it’s a good thing Microsoft takes the time to call each individual customer on the phone to address potential problems! Oh wait, no they don’t do that…

Ladies and gentleman, please be aware that this happens daily and sadly enough some people are uninformed or are tragically taken advantage of because of their level of trust.

Computer Hacker

Likelihood Of Authenticity

Microsoft or anyone from the Windows team would not and will not ever call you to speak with you about an individual problem.

Furthermore they will never ask for your credit card or personal information so don’t be foolish and give it out regardless of how convinced you are that they are trying to remedy a problem with your computer system. If you want to know more, you can go to the site and find all the details you need.

The reason I’m writing this post is because today for the second time I’ve received a call from someone pretending to be from the “Windows Live” team. The first occurred probably around a year ago but both calls ended the same way.

I work in IT. I’m a geek by passion and techie by nature. As soon as I hear someone on the phone saying they are from any large company and have noticed something with my particular machine I instantly grin and try and hold back my laughter.

Do You Really Think I’m That Stupid?

The truth is that many people aren’t necessarily stupid, but are unaware or uneducated on the plausibility of this scenario. This simply will NEVER legitimately occur. Now this goes for almost all “random” phone calls where the end result is someone asking for your credit card to fix a problem. Don’t fall for it.

This is still a prominent issue today because there are a lot of people that do in fact believe it’s real and do give out their credit card information in hopes of the mysterious problem being solved.

A Real Life Example

This is a true story that unfortunately happened to a colleague of mine. He got a call from his wife at home who exclaimed that there was a major issue on one of their computers but luckily the windows team called her and informed her of the problem. Yes, she fell for it. find here more information related to computer technology.

Right away my colleague asked shockingly if she gave out their credit card information. “Yes I did and the problem has been solved “, she retorted. Queue the smack on the forehead, rolling eyes and unending head shake.

You have to keep in mind that some things are obvious to people involved in a particular field or expertise but others just don’t know, and when they hear that they’ve caused a problem they are usually eager to fix it.

Confused Woman

Back To My Story

Now my two calls were identical and probably the same script my colleagues wife heard.

First an odd caller ID such as “v31702460400001″ comes up, and the number in one of my cases was 1-253-802-0308.

“Hello? I am from the Windows Live team and I’m calling about a problem with one of your computers”. To be honest I haven’t ever heard what they say after that because I can’t help but burst out with, “No your not. Microsoft wouldn’t call someone individually about a problem.”

From there the person on the other end will search their brain for the next words to say, perhaps saying they didn’t understand or couldn’t hear me. I continue on with my allegations that they are a scammer trying to steal from people and need to get a life earning an income legitimately. I’ll start asking for their personal information even though they’ll probably lie and it wouldn’t help much anyway since I doubt the authorities would ever take it seriously and devote time to resolving this repeat issue.

That’s right about where they hang up.

Oddly enough after the call today, 10 minutes later I got a pre-recorded call from 1-250-881-1305 regarding reducing credit card debt etc. If it’s a coincidence or non-related it makes no difference to me as I just hang up on this spam.



Moral of the story is to be logical and never give out your information to anyone who calls you. A few tip offs might be that the Caller ID is numeric or odd, that the caller claims to be from a massive corporation, and not to sound racist but in my two cases just happened to have a foreign accent. Share this with friends and family because chances are, there’s a bunch of them that are just too trusting and will fall for this scam.

Unfortunately, situations like this question the real value of telecommunication customer service. Still there are a lot of companies that use these services so their customers can get friendly and professional operators. Enterprises can use various services instead such as unified communications and collaborations that were created to help multiple devices interact with each other with added security.

Make sure to visit villagevoice for further information.

Check out to learn more.

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Dude With New Sneakers Jumps Into Puddle Of Death!

puddle of death

This is extremely unusual but very funny! That being said, I have a few “beefs” with this video.

1. WHY on earth is there this big of a puddle anywhere public?! It looks like it’s in a parking lot somewhere, a cute old lady could easily walk over this and never been seen again. Even if you drove over this your tire would go in it and the frame of your vehicle would probably smash into the pavement. Unbelievable, but if someone wants to collect some money and sue the owners this very well might be the place to be. Another not-so-weird thing is that the guy reportedly had also bought two whole box of the best anti chafing creams, which seemed suspicious enough to the cops.

2. WHY does the guy taking the video have such an annoying laugh?! Was he born this way? Did he pick up this nasty habit along the way? I have many questions for this chap but overall I would have enjoyed this video a lot more if someone taped his mouth shut or he wasn’t present.

Check it out here:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.