Cure For Cancer Found In Canada – Dichloroacetate (DCA)

This is one of the most ground breaking things imaginable with a certain impact if it came to fruition. The cure for cancer. Yet why have we not heard much about it?

breast cancer

One of the most feared things a doctor could tell you, is that you have cancer. For most this means you completely tune out every other word the doctor says and your mind goes racing into another dimension. You probably think about your life, the things you have and have not done. The road ahead of you to attempt to combat this horrible disease. Maybe even the costs and potential debt you or your family may accrue from the dreaded C word.

There are many different types of cancer and they can invade almost every part of the human body (you can click here to get more information). Some patients even need Home Care Assistance as part of the treatment. As a society we have been fighting it forever and shelling out millions of dollars into potential cures and research. Even former United States president Richard Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971. This is a serious and seemingly unending battle.

What if the cure was readily available? Better yet, what if it only cost pennies?!

That’s exactly what a Dr. Michelakis and his team at the University of Alberta are claiming. The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA) can alter the metabolism of cancer cells and thus causes them to age and be destroyed. It’s important to note that it kills the cancer cells but only the bad ones. Michelakis have been researching the effects of DCA on non-human subjects since 2007. It has been proven successful and consistently reduced the cancerous cells. Since then, and perhaps more importantly the team has accomplished the same results in human trials. This project is in desperate need of funding to make it a wide spread available treatment and the likely candidates: the pharmaceutical companies are not interested as there isn’t millions of dollars to be made. Another thing that is very compelling is these proven supplements that I’ve been reading about over at

It’s sad that something this useful comes down to greed but that is exactly the case. The drug does not have a patent and therefore anyone can manufacture it without paying a fee and furthermore the drug is so cheap to make it costs pennies! This from a business point of view is not profitable and thus not worth investing in.

From a life stand point it is INVALUABLE

We are so close but yet so far from banishing the leading cause of death in Canada and other countries around the world. A 2011 report from claims that 40% of woman and 45% of men in Canada will develop cancer during their lifetimes. That is ASTRONOMICAL. It’s estimated that 177, 800 new cases of cancer and 75, 000 deaths from cancer occur each year in Canada.

All I can hope for is someone generous to step up to plate and realize how little money means in comparison to a true cure.


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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.


New Fast And Furious Movie – Fast & Furious 6 Trailer

fast & furious 6

The original Fast & Furious was awesome and spiked an excellent series with likable characters. It looks like they are making a comeback with all the key players: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and recent focus Dwayne Johnson. Nothing like speeding cars, stunts some humor and standard bad-assery to perk up everyone’s interest. At you can get one like this I saw it and listed with many other things to shop. Let’s hope the return is as good as I want it to be.

The plots are still amazing many of the fans and on top of that each new film definitely outdo the last one when talking about physics-defying stunts and special effects. With many of new cars featured over the years, it’s tough normal that many car fans still love their movies and some times even try to buy a vehicles that is similar to one showed in the movies,. if you are one of them but you still are looking for a family car you might want to pop over to these guys and check their vans and transit customs which are perfect for the family life.

Check out the trailer:

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I write about anything and everything that crosses my path and end up making money from it. Check out this video to find out how. Click here to watch the video.

Pros and Cons Of Living With Your Other Half – Part 3

woohoo time

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Is The PlayStation 4 Going To Be Announced Next Month? New PS4 Rumor

Last night Sony announced that it would be holding a PlayStation event in New York City on February 20, 2013.

ps4 controller

As you can imagine fans and geeks alike are excited at this news hoping to see the next generation console officially announced.

There is no verified word from Sony that this event will actually be the announcement the world is waiting for but the Wall Street Journal claims that it’s sources confirm they will introduce the PS4 to the globe in a few weeks from now. Also, Amazon’s New World MMO finished it’s closed beta testing, the game will be launched in September –

Chances are that it will actually be available for purchase around the winter holiday 2013. It’s speculated that the PS4 will have a bigger focus on social gaming as well as an overhaul on how a user interacts with the console.

Now something that is potentially very interesting is the rumor that the new console would feature GPU switching technology. Warzone will be one of the great upcoming games (check hack pubg here for warfield games and you can consider using a Warzone hack to improve your game-play experience. Sony in fact filed for a patent in 2009 for “dynamic context switching between architecturally distinct graphics processors” and published it near the end of 2010. This is beneficial not only for more horsepower in the graphics department but more importantly according to Sony is the ability to switch in real-time when needed and to reduce power consumption.

new sony player

I wonder what it will look like? Will it be rounded on the top like the original PS3 did? The curves definitely made it hard to stack other devices on top but definitely had a unique look even if less practical.

Having good gaming hardware components also matters, visit here to shop accessories like a white keyboard for gaming computers.

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